The Office of Legal Counsel provides legal services for the Oregon University System and provides advice to the State Board of Higher Education, the Chancellor's Office, and System institutions that are without counsel (Eastern Oregon University, Oregon Institute of Technology, Southern Oregon University, and Western Oregon University). In addition, Legal Counsel works with in-house counsel at Oregon State University, Portland State University, and the University of Oregon.

Legal Counsel works jointly with senior staff to develop Chancellor's Office programs and System initiatives, and advises staff in responding to requests from the public regarding records, meetings, claims, and general information. Legal Counsel is a member of the Chancellor's cabinet of senior staff, and monitors the provision of statutorily mandated legal services, including participation in court cases, settlement activities and discussion of legal strategies. Legal Counsel has delegated authority for some contract execution on behalf of OUS, and has budgetary authority for the purchase of legal services for the System.
