15.15 Contract Monitoring, Chancellor's Office Business Policies & Procedures


To establish policies and procedures associated with contract monitoring.


Department Heads will review the status of their departmental contracts at least quarterly in accordance with the following procedures.


  1. The Office of General Counsel reviews and approves all contracts, amendments, and modifications, including Personal Services Contracts (PSCs).
  2. The Office of General Counsel provides a copy of all approved contracts to Business Processing Staff.
  3. After being notified of a new contract, Business Processing Staff updates a "master list" of active contracts and encumbers the funds in FIS (if applicable).
  4. Business Processing Staff monitors contract status, including contract period, payments to date, and total contract amount. Business Processing Staff notifies department when contract period or total payments made approach the end date/maximum contract total.
  5. To ensure completion and routing of this report Business Processing Staff may want to use a document similar to the sample Tracking Summary for Budget, Accounts Receivable, and Contract Status Reports.
  6. Department Head or Department Approver notifies Business Processing Staff and the Office of General Counsel when changes are to be made to existing contracts.


Last Updated: 01/12/2010