Applicability: These policies and procedures are applicable to all departments within the Chancellor's Office.

01.05 Preface

01.06 Summary of Changes to Chancellor's Office Business Policies & Procedures

01.10 Definitions

05.00 Delegations and Approvals:

10.00 Electronic Information Systems Use:

15.00 Monitoring:

20.00 Receipts and Receivables:

25.00 Purchasing, Contracting, and Disbursements:

28.05 Contractor Travel Reimbursements

29.05 Vendor Set-Up and Payment Information

30.00 Travel and Moving:

35.00 Journal Vouchers:

40.00 Grants and Other Sponsored Agreements:

44.00 Employee Self-Service:

45.00 Payroll:

50.00 Property Control:

85.00 Exceptions:

88.00 Commonly Used Banner Forms & Reports

90.00 Forms, Examples & Attachments