10.15 Banner Version Management, Chancellor's Office Business Policies & Procedures


To establish Chancellor's Office policy and procedures for the management of all OUS Baseline Banner software that facilitates data consistency through control of Banner software versions used in OUS production instances.


This policy delegates responsibility to Banner Standards Management for final approval of OUS Banner Baseline software based on the procedures included herein. Banner Standards Management is required to report exceptions to this policy, as they surface, directly to the Controller.


  1. A request to create or modify OUS Baseline Banner software is recorded in a project tracking system and assigned a tracking number.
  2. The project tracking system administrator notifies Banner Standards Management (BSM) of the pending request.
  3. BSM evaluates the request:
    1. BSM solicits input and approval from the object owner
    2. BSM reviews for completeness and accuracy
    3. BSM reviews for compliance with all applicable OUS policies
  4. BSM communicates outcome of evaluation:
    1. Approval to move forward is granted:
      1. BSM notifies ETS
      2. BSM notifies requestor
    2. Approval to move forward is not granted:
      1. BSM notifies ETS
      2. BSM notifies requestor
      3. BSM closes request in project tracking system
  5. ETS assigns analyst to the project
  6. ETS notifies BSM and object owner when the object is ready for user testing
  7. BSM or object owner notifies ETS upon successful completion of testing
  8. BSM notifies ETS of authorization to distribute object when the following conditions are met:
    1. ETS provides written notification to BSM of the following:
      1. Object name and type, version number, and institution type
      2. Completion of technical notes documenting the modification
    2. Object owner approves distribution of the modification
    3. BSM completes functional notes documenting the modification
  9. ETS closes project cycle
    1. ETS distributes modified object
    2. ETS updates GWAMODS to include setting the object to active status
    3. ETS closes request in project tracking system
    4. ETS forwards development checklist to BSM


  • Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) will obtain approval from Banner Standards Management (BSM) prior to commencing work on the development of new objects intended for systemwide use, and maintenance or modification of existing objects with systemwide application.
  • BSM will be provided update access to the tracking system, or whatever mechanism is used to record and monitor all object development with systemwide application.



Banner Input Forms:




2004 - These policies and procedures replace the Chancellor's Office FIS Security and Approvals Policy dated 1/6/96.
Last Updated: 09/09/04