Section:   Auxiliary Enterprises and Other Activities  Number:  15.001   
Title:  Roles and Responsibilities - Auxiliary Enterprises and Other Activities





  • None.



    The policy sets forth high-level Auxiliary Enterprises and Other Activities roles and responsibilities for the Chancellor's Office and the Institutions.


    OUS seeks to ensure that the high-level roles and responsibilities of the Chancellor's Office and the Institutions related to Auxiliary Enterprises and Other Activities are documented, communicated, and clearly understood and applied.

    .120  AUTHORITY


    Approved by the Budget and Finance Committee of the Board on 2/15/02 as part of the Fiscal Accountability Framework Final Report.  The effective date of the policy is 3/1/02.


    All Chancellor's Office and institutional personnel with responsibilities for self-liquidating activities (e.g., auxiliary enterprises and service departments) should be knowledgeable of this policy.





    High level roles High level responsibilities
    Billing Exclusively performs the billing function for all eight entities within the System and OHSU.
    Computer Services
    Aggregate Reporting Performs aggregate reporting for the System related to Computer Services; this includes providing both raw data and formal reports to the State and Federal Governments, as well as to vendors, auditors, higher education associations and the general public.
    Banner Modifier Writes and maintains System-wide modifications to the Banner products.
    5th Site Management Manages the 5th site, which is a service center for the CO, EOU, WOU, SOU, and OIT.
    HR/FIS Database Maintenance Maintains an institution specific HR/FIS database for the 5th site, and has a staff that performs service related to the financial and human resources systems for each of the involved entities.
    SIS Database Host Hosts the SIS database for each of the regional institutions (EOU will join this configuration next year).
    Banner Consultant Is available to provide consulting services regarding SIS and Financial Aid Banner products to all institutions.
    Miscellaneous Administration Performs bond sales, debt service administration, and building and equipment transfers, as well as manages risk and insurance issues.
    Other Food Services
    Miscellaneous Administration Performs bond sales, debt service administration, and building and equipment reserve transfers, as well as manages risk and insurance issues.
    Student Centers
    Miscellaneous Administration Performs bond sales, debt service administration, and building and equipment reserve transfers, as well as manages risk and insurance issues.
    Health Services
    Insurance Acquisition The risk management department coordinates the acquisition of student insurance.
    Miscellaneous Administration Performs bond sales, debt service administration, and building and equipment reserve transfers, as well as manages risk and insurance issues.
    Miscellaneous Administration Performs bond sales, debt service administration, and building and equipment reserve transfers, as well as manages risk and insurance issues.
    Other Rentals
    Bond Coordinator Performs coordination and counsel on bonds, private use issues.
    Other Auxiliaries
    N/A The CO does not have a primary role in this process other than its standard role in procurement, which is somewhat limited.
    Miscellaneous Administration Performs bond sales, debt service administration, and building and equipment reserve transfers, as well as manages risk and insurance issues (note: PSU is an exception in this regard, as they rent their athletic facilities).


    High level roles High level responsibilities
    Purchasing and Management of Contracts for Goods & Services Equipment purchases and contracting with telecomm vendors are managed by a tight consortium, comprised of members from each of the entities and OHSU.
    Service Center Maintenance Telecomm service centers are maintained by each of the institutions; telecomm service for the CO is performed by the host institution (either UO or OSU).
    Computer Services
    Banner System Management The larger institutions (UO, OSU, and PSU) each maintain a database and staff for the student, financial aid, financial, and HR systems.  They also have technical support at the departmental level. The regional institutions (OIT, SOU, EOU, and WOU) have their own staff to maintain their SIS and financial aid products on a daily basis, but not their financial product.
    Room and Board Management All institutions have contact with CO regarding debt service; contact is either direct or through Student Affairs. All institutions participate in Chief Housing Officers Group meetings, which are attended by CO representatives as necessary.

    PSU contracts this service function to a third party.
    Other Food Services
    Other Food Service Management Conference housing and meal rates are set by each institution, who in turn file a copy of these internally-approved rates with the CO. PSU and EOU both contract this service function to a third party.
    Student Centers
    Student Center Management All institutions have direct contact with the CO regarding student center capital projects. Incidental student fees are submitted to the CO for approval by the Board.
    Health Services
    Health Services Management Health service fees are submitted to the CO for approval by the Board.
    Parking Management All institutions have parking departments; however, no information sharing among the institutions occurs. The larger institutions (UO, OSU, and PSU) also deal with county/city Transit authorities.

    The reporting for the parking department at EOU, OSU, and UO is through the VP for Finance/Administration, at WOU the VP Student Affairs, at SOU, PSU, and OIT the Director of Business Services.
    Bookstore Management At the regional institutions, the university operates the bookstore.  OSU, UO, and PSU contract the bookstore management to a third party. At EOU, WOU, and OIT the reporting flows through the VP Finance/Administration and Business Services; at SOU the reporting flows through the VP of Student Affairs.
    Other Rentals
    Miscellaneous Rental Management All institutions have a variety of other rentals, including: student center, recreation centers, conference centers, performance halls, athletic/intramural fields, retail space, and collaborative efforts with non-university programs.
    Other Auxiliaries
    Purchasing and Contract Management All institutions have other auxiliaries which may include: motor pool, printing, A/V tech equipment, student activities/clubs, and international programs.
    Athletic Reporting and Fund Management The reporting structure for athletics at EOU and SOU is through the VP Student Affairs, at OIT through the VP Finance/Administration, and at OSU, PSU, UO, and WOU through the President. Funding at all institutions come from ticket sales, various sponsors and marketing programs, lottery funds, student incidental fees (to finance student admissions), and general funds (tuition-based funds only).



    Direct questions about this policy to the following offices:

    Subject Contact
    General questions from institutional personnel Institution Office of Business Affairs
    General questions from institutional central administration and Chancellor's Office personnel Chancellor's Office Controller's Division

    .695  HISTORY

    10/15/03 - Reformatted

    02/15/02 - Approved

    11/09/09 - UO Athletics reports through president 

    Policy Last Updated: 11/09/09



    Appendix Last Updated:  10/15/03