25.50 Replacement Checks, Chancellor's Office Business Policies & Procedures


To establish policies and procedures associated with replacement of lost, stolen, or destroyed checks.


The following procedures will be used when issuing replacement checks.


  1. Department Business Processing Staff completes the "Check Information" section
  2. Payee completes the Statement for Securing Payment of a Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Check and sends the form to the Controller's Division (as indicated at the bottom of the form).
  3. Controller's Division verifies check information, confirms that it has not been cashed, and cancels the original transaction in FIS.
  4. Controller's Division files the Statement for Securing Payment of a Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Check in accounts payable archive files.
  5. CD notifies the department's Business Processing Staff that the original transaction has been cancelled and that they can initiate a duplicate payment in FIS.
  6. Business Processing Staff in the department process an invoice for payment using procedures in section 25.25 Invoices.

Guidelines for Issuing Replacement Checks:

Given administrative costs associated with processing replacement checks, payees are encouraged to submit requests for replacement checks several weeks after the check has been issued (when practical and appropriate for the circumstances) when the check has been assumed lost, stolen, or has been destroyed.


Last Updated: 12/23/03