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The word 'vinegar' is derived from the French words vin aigre, which means sour wine.

Vinegar is the oldest of all known flavorings. It was first manufactured as a separate industry in France in the 17th century.

The sharp, tangy taste of vinegar is actually fat-free. It is a flavoring that can be used on salads and on vegetables. It is also used as a method of preserving or pickling.

Out of the kitchen, vinegar can be used as an antiseptic. If garlic is combined with the vinegar, it can be used as an anti-fungal to treat athlete's foot. It can even be used to treat a Jellyfish sting. If 2 liters of vinegar are applied over the skin for more than 30 seconds, the discharge of the venom will cease.

Many people even use vinegar as a chemical-free cleaner. It does a great job on windows!

We at the Vinegar Association live by the motto:

We must all revel in the fullness of the taste of vinegar. Vinegar fills your mouth with glorious tingling, and enhances the flavor of any other food. The privilege of using vinegar is one that should be shared, as with the joy of good cooking and fine friendships.


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