Welcome to the wonderful Solar System. Here you will have the chance to explore the Sun and it's planets. As most of you have already heard,
our solar system has changed. We have officially gone from 9 planets down to 8 planets. The International Astronomical Union, or IAU,
has created a new definition of a planet: A planet must orbit the Sun, be large and nearly round, and be the dominant item in its part of the solar system.
So now, take an adventure with me as we explore this new solar system and the other items that lie within it.
Our First stop will be a quick one as we approach the Sun, the center of our solar system and our source of heat and light.
The Sun has a diameter of 1.4 million Km or in easier terms, 870,000 miles around. Around the equator, a whole day can last 25 Earth days, with a temperature on the surface reaching 9,932 degrees Fahrenheit- man is that hot! It has 8 planets and at least 1 dwarf planet circling around it in orbit and new objects being discovered more and more. I don't know about you, but it is getting to hot for my comfort level, so why not head on out from here and begin our tour of planets. Hold on, here we go!
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