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Art Work
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Art Work

The artist, Shirod Younker (Miluk Coos/Upper Coquille), is from Charleston, Oregon. Shirod graduated from Oregon State University with a BFA in Sculpture. He currently resides in Portland, Oregon, and is the Art Program for Oregon College of Art and Crafts "Journey in Creativity: Exploration in Native Art & Culture" program.
It is proposed that the illustrations in this project draw from his work in the following areas:

  • To complement the look and feel of the website and funding proposals.
  • As sample material for the students to use in their visual design and digital editing assignments.
This could not be done without the express written consent of the artist. If you would like to contact Shirod about using the illustrations, we can reach him through e-mail at

Oregon Department of Education
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97310-0203
John "Marty" Olson
(503) 947-5793