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Oregon's Indians Today

Though Indian people's values and lifestyles have been upset and changed, they have not been destroyed. Respect for the wisdom of elders, a special relationship with the land, an idea of sharing, the concept of an extended family, and other traditional Indian values persist in one form or another throughout the state of Oregon.

Traditional Indian customs, languages, and values are alive today. Fishing, hunting, and gathering are an integral part of Indian life. Oregon Indians carry on with political life, social activities, and religious ceremonies. Economic trade, education, artistic expression, sports, and technical invention are other elements of Oregon Indian culture. Indian history blends with modern tribal life as a part of a continuous thread linking the past with the present.

The Indian people living in Oregon are alive and well and are trying to meet the challenges of a complex world. There are many problems to overcome. Tribal leaders and other concerned people are making a difference. Some Indian groups are stronger and have increased in numbers. More Indian children are being educated in both modern and traditional Indian ways. Many Indians in Oregon have survived the impact and the changes brought about by all newcomers to the state

Oregon Department of Education
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97310-0203
John "Marty" Olson
(503) 947-5793