
Weezer is a "garage band" that started in Califoria on February 14, 1992 (yes Valentines Day). When Weezer first started there was Rivers Cuomo (lead vocals, lead guitar), Patrick Wilson (drummer), Matt Sharp (bass, backup vocals), and Justin Fisher (rythm guitar, backup vocals). Shortly after the band got its first record deal Justin Fisher left the band and was replaced by Brian Bell.

Their first album came out in 1994. It was self-titled but is now known as the "Blue Album" due to the album cover's blue background. The album quickly became a big success. Some of the big singles were, "Buddy Holly", "Undone (The Sweater Song)", and "Say it Ain't So".

Their next album came out in 1996 and it was titled "Pinkerton". Many "true" fans call this the "purist Weezerish" album, because there was very little influence from outside sources. Even though this album has such a respect today when it first released it bombed. The main reason that this record bombed was because the bands sound had change from the first album and people didn't understand. Also Rivers wrote all of the songs in a story format so that it followed an old Japanese play.

After Pinkerton's lack of success Weezer took a break. All of the band members went their own ways. Rivers went back to college, he had been going to Harvard off and on and wanted to finish up. Pat started his own band called "The Special Goodness". Brian also started his own band called "The Space Twins". Matt started his own band "The Rentals" and in 1998 announced his resignation from the band. He was replace by Mikey Welsh, who had met Rivers in Boston while playing with Rivers in the "Rivers Cuomo Band".

In 2001 they also made another self-titled disc. It's known as the "Green Album". The fans had been waiting for another Weezer record and this was what they were looking for. It quickly became a success with hit songs being: "Hash Pipe", "Photograph", "Island in the Sun".

After the release of the "Green Album" Mikey Welsh left the band and was admited to a mental hostpital for unknown reasons. Many people think it was because the success got to him and also that he was strugling with alcohol problems. He was then replaced by Scott Shriner.

In 2002 Weezer came out with another new album called "Maladroit". This didn't quite have the same success as the "Green Album" because it was put together so fast and the fans were a little disapointed with its sound and quality. Even though some fans weren't happy they did have two very popular singles called: "Keep Fishin'" and "American Gigolo".

Last year in 2005 Weezer released their most recent album titled "Make Believe". It is surounded with mix reviews from both fans and critics. But non the less Weezer still was popular over the radio with song like: "Beverly Hills", "Perfect Situation", and "We Are All on Drugs".

Right now Weezer in not in the recording studio and people are beginning to wonder is this the end of Weezer? We will just have to wait and find out soon.