HTML Basics
Using HTML to create webpages
HTML is short for HyperText Markup Language. Unlike a true computer language which instructs the computer how to behave, a markup language is as if you were marking up a document to instruct the browser to modify the document before displaying it for the client. For example there is a HTML code to create bold text, and other to change the color of the text. This is an oversimplified explanation for a process that can become very complex. The basic HTML codes are called tags and identified with a < and > surrounding the tag, such as <html>.
There are many ways to create a webpage or HTML document. One may create all the code directly, one may use an authoring program which will assist in creating the code or one may use a program which creates the code and one only has to choose from among different templates or options. This webpage is being creating on an authoring program called DreamWeaver.
<div id="CPodEDUSelector" class="CPodEDUSelector LayoutCellTop LayoutSmallCellBottom TextCenter" style="display:none;">
<a href="/solutions/education/modals/eduoptin.html" id="EDUModalLink" class="CPodEDUSelectorLink">Are you an education customer?</a>
<div id="CPodEDUToggle" class="CPodEDUToggle LayoutCellTop LayoutSmallCellBottom TextCenter" style="display:none;">
<a href="#" class="CPodEDUToggleLink">Not an education customer? <span class="CPodEDUToggleLinkArrow"></span></a>
<div id="EDUToggle" class="" style="display:none;"><a href="#">See home/home office pricing</a></div>
@import url(/include/style/grid-narrow-compressed.css) screen and (max-width:359px);
While some spaces are critical inwriting HTML code, most spacing and formatting is for the benefit of the human reader. There are codes whereby coders can insert additional comments that are not read by the browsers but are convenient for the human reader.
Code for entering comments in HTML and PHP is:
<!--This is a comment. Comments are not displayed in the browser-->
Codes for entering comments in Javascript are:
Multi line comments start with /* and end with */ and
// for a single line comment.