Types of CSS .leftlink { When this declaration or rule is applied in the HTML document it will be an attritube of a tag and will appear typically as shown below. Very commonly one will find the class attritube attached to the <div> and <span> tags. This attribute may be used several times through an HTML document. <span class="leftlink">some text or image</span> ID A second is the id. It is similar to the Class type except it can be used only once within an HTML document. Therefore, it is typically used when defining a particular portion of a layout, such as the top banner, or main content, or footer. In the style sheet it is coded with a "#" before the name as seen below. #footer { When this declaration or rule is applied in the HTML document it will be an attritube of a tag and will appear typically as shown below. Very commonly one will find the id attritube attached to the <div> and <span> tags. This attribute may be used several times through an HTML document. <div id="footer">some text or image</div> Tag A third selector type is the Tag. It is also similar to the Class type but it is applied only to a tag and will be affective every time the tag is used. The following example will repeat an image leftlinnk.jpg everytime a <p> is used in the HTML document. p { Compound This fourth option for a selector type can be a combination of several of the above selectors and can be very involved and complex. It is strongly suggested that you contact a reference such as w3schools (view here) for additional support. The following example will be affective every time class="leftlink" is an attritube of the <p> tag. p.leftlink { |
Copyright Denvy Saxowsky 2012 - saxowsd at wou.edu |