Light and Molecular Fingerprinting



The Visible Light Spectrum

Molecular Fingerprints




This website, and related links, are about molecular fingerprinting through the use of spectroscopy and the visible light spectrum. The first section is about what light is, visible light in particular, as well as some ways that we use to quantify it. The second section is about how we can identify molecules by observing the light that it emits. It is in this section that you can find raw data that I recorded for the hydrogen and the sodium light spectra; as well as some information on what it means. Next you can find some of the current and potential applications for molecular fingerprinting through the use of the spectroscopy and light spectrum. Additionally, there is a page with interesting links if you would like to learn more about this and related topics as well as a page with sources that I used to make these pages. Enjoy!


Click here for information on light and how we can use it.




If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please e-mail Ryan Still at

Last updated March 15, 2007.