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Glossary of Terms

Alhambra : A famous castle located in Granada , Spain . Constructed in a Moorish (Islamic) style by the Muslims in the late 14th century.

balance: A principle of art and design concerned with the arrangement of one or more elements in a work of art so that they appear symmetrical or asymmetrical in design and proportioned as though each side of the picture “weighs” the same.

contrast: A principle of art and design concerned with juxtaposing one or more elements in opposition, so as to show their differences. Often represented with color or black and white.

dodecahedron: A twelve sided figure.

flat object: Any object that is represented two-dimensionally.

form: An element of art and design that pertains to an actual or implied 3-D shape of an object or image. In a broader sense, form refers to the total physical characteristics of an object.

harmony: A principle of art and design concerned with the blending of one or more of the elements in a work of art to create a pleasing effect, balance, symmetry, and a composed appearance.

impossible structure: A building or structure that, due to the laws of physics, cannot exist.

line: An element of art and design that pertains to the narrow mark or path of a moving point on a surface.

linoleum-cut : Cutting or carving a picture into a sheet of linoleum then spreading ink over the sheet and pressing it into a piece of paper, creating a print. Much like using a stamp.

Moorish tiling: A style of tiling where the tiles interlock and connect creating beautiful patterns. Used on the walls of the Alhambra .

movement: A principle of art and design concerned with creating a distinctive structure that shows a feeling of action or a series of actions and guides a viewer's eye through a work of art.

perspective: An element of art and design concerned with the representation of three-dimensional objects and depth relationships on a two-dimensional surface and the point of view from which they are seen.

polyhedron: Any figure bound by plane faces.

print: The picture resulting from stamping a wood-cut or linoleum cut onto paper.

regular division of a plane: An artistic and mathematic term referring to dividing any two-dimensional plane.

repetition: A principle of art and design concerned with one or more of the elements in a work of art being repeated again.

rhythm: A principle of art and design concerned with the employment of repeated movement in regular or irregular succession of one or more elements to make a work seem active or to suggest repetition.

shape: An element of art and design that pertains to an area set off by one or more of the other elements of art and design. The outline or edge around an object.

space: An element of art and design that pertains to the real or illusory 3-D expanse in which an image or components of an image exist or appear to exist.

spatial object: Any object that is represented three-dimensionally.

symmetry: An element of art and design concerned with the vertical division of a piece of art. The piece is symmetric if the right and left sides produce a mirror image of each other.

tessellation: A repeating, interlocking pattern of shapes and colors that completely cover a plane without overlapping or leaving any gaps.

value: An element of art and design that pertains to the degree of lightness and darkness, attributed to color and related to one or more parts in a piece of art.

vantage point: An element of art and design pertaining to the point of view that an artist takes from which he creates his picture.

wood-cut: Similar to a linoleum-cut. Carving the picture into a flat piece of wood then spreading ink over the wood and pressing it into a piece of paper, creating a print. Much like using a stamp.

Sources: . Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 2003. June 2003.

“Glossary.” British Columbia Ministry of Education. 1999. June 2003.

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