neotame: the powerhouse sweetener




Neotame, a non-nutritive sweetener is one of six FDA approved artificial sweeteners

and one of the most powerful. It is 7,000 to 13,000 times sweeter than sucrose (based

on weight). In fact it would take over 6.8 grams (15 lbs) of sugar to equal the

sweetening power of 1 gram of Neotame. It is also thirty to sixty times sweeter than

its predecessor Aspartame. Produced by the NutraSweet Company in 1998 and

approved for general use by the FDA in July 2002, Neotame is comprised of the same

two amino acids as Aspartame but has an additive that makes it more stable, quicker

to metabolize, and safer for people who suffer from phenylketonuria (PKU), a very

rare but serious health condition. Neotame has also been approved in Australia,

China, and New Zealand. Though it is approved by the FDA Neotame has not been

consumed enough to be able to identify any health effects that could result by long

term exposure. This web page is designed to provide information related to the

stability, health concerns, uses, and the physical properties of Neotame.

    website by Chris Demke last updated 19 Mar 2006