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Bibliography | The Braceros: Oregon Experience |
Videos | The Lives of Mexican Immigrants / Docudrama Movie The Lives of Mexican Immigrants / Docudrama; Creative Commons license: Attribution-ShareAlike; Producer: Lucy Hibberd żA |
DONDE | The Braceros are in many ways the foundation of today's lively Latino community and many of the values, beliefs, and experiences that form California's Latino culture can be traced to this influent... |
The Armijo sisters tell of their stores from the fields of Texas and conditions they endured while working as agricultural laborers |
A video about the Braceros. Starts with a little history and then focues on two former Braceros from San Jose, CA, now in their 80's. Unfinished.... |
Braceros - A Las 3 This is a topic that affected my father and his father before him, this video is a tribute to their struggle as well as for all those who share the same experiences. |