Exam Questions

Questions that are on the Ed Core exams.

Download a copy of the exams.


All questions should be written in appropriate academic style and voice. Please include specific, concrete details from your coursework, readings, research, and appropriate theories/theorists to support your answers. As time allows, please carefully reread and proofread your answers. Comprehensive exam questions encompass the key proficiency areas of the MSEd program; include references to coursework, research, and readings across your program of study as appropriate.

Briefly describe your areas of licensure and the teaching position you currently hold.

Question 1: Leadership/Professionalism Proficiencies

I. Select one (1) of the following items: (Leadership/Professionalism Proficiencies)

A. Describe one area of concern in the educational system about which you feel personally committed. Cite research and relevant theory that supports your concern. Describe how you will use your leadership skills and new educational knowledge to promote change in this area. In your response, include references to relevant educational policies and to educational resources that you can draw from.

B. Define what it means to be both a “professional” and a “leader” within the field of education. What habits of mind or professional dispositions should a “professional” and a “leader” display? How will you incorporate these skills/dispositions into your own professional practice? What avenues for development and growth in leadership will you continue to employ after receiving your graduate degree?

Question 2: Reflective Practitioner Proficiencies

Drawing upon educational theory, research and pedagogy, describe how you make informed decisions for creating best practices in your educational setting. How has your professional practice changed as a result of the theoretical basis you have received in this MSEd program? How might this shift or change over time? Why?

Question 3: Research & Theory Proficiency

Select one of the following items to answer.

A. How will you use research to inform your own practice? Describe one study you might conduct for your own professional development, including details on methodology as well as an explanation of how you will use the results. Include a description of what research base or theoretical framework informs your study.

B. You may have heard the phrase, “teaching as a researching profession.” Describe the importance of research within the educational profession. What knowledge base about research will impact your professional practice? What effect does research (both action research and the study of research) have upon current and future issues within the field of education?

Question 4: Diversity Proficiency

How do you define the multiple aspects of diversity as it relates to the educational setting? What do educational professionals today need to know about diversity issues? Why is diversity awareness so critical? What are best practices for encouraging an inclusive classroom? What limitations currently exist to creating such a setting--how might you improve upon this within your own practice? Cite theory and research to support your answer.

Question 5: Technology Proficiency

Please explain your personal philosophy about the importance of educational technology for teaching and learning. Include in your discussion references to ISTE’s National Educational Technology Standards and/or other research in the field. Include examples of some specific activities or engagements involving technology that you believe would be effective in enhancing learning in your professional setting.

Question 6: Synthesis of Knowledge Proficiencies

Western Oregon University’s conceptual framework includes our commitment to “Connecting Teaching and Learning.” Drawing upon your Master’s coursework, your reading, research, and professional experiences synthesize what it means to actively “connect teaching and learning.” Additionally, describe how this emphasis on teaching and learning will be applied to your own professional practice.