Creating a Simple Workbook

To create a simple workbook, you need to start with a blank workbook.

Within the Excel window, close and do not save the Workbook1 document.

Choose New from the File menu.

A new workbook should appear labeled Workbook2.

Resize and position Workbook2 next to the tutorial.

In this part of the tutorial you will be creating a check register.

Starting in cell A1, build the following table:

To move through your worksheet, you can use the arrow keys.

Remember to click on the Enter button or press the Return key to enter each check number.

Select cell B1 and type in the text:Data.

Starting in cell C1, build the following table:

Select cell D1, and type the following text: Payment Amount.

Observe that the text is too large for the cell. You can change the width of the cell and as a result the whole column to fit the text.

Changing Column Widths

Position the pointer between the column headings for column D and column E.

The pointer should change shape to show a double arrow as you position the pointer between the two column headings.
When the pointer changes shape, you can change the width of the column by dragging to the right or left.

Press the mouse button and drag to the right until the width of column D will fix the text.

Starting in cell D3, build the following table:

Starting in cell E1, build the following table:
Make sure you change the column width of column E.

Starting in cell F1, build the following table:

It is now time to save your worksheet.

Choose Save from the File menu or click on the Save button and call your worksheet "checks".

Before you add more to your "checks" worksheet, you will need to learn how to write formulas using arithmetic operators and functions.

Next Topic: Formulas
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