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Michael's Motorcycles

The mission behind Michael's Motorcycles is to educate motorcycle lovers about a few diffrent motorcycles of diffrent manufactures I have ridden.

“Live to ride, ride to Live .”

Finding the right bike is a matter of individual preference. The differences in motorcycles today are found in the type of bike as well as the application its being used for. Motorcycles made for diffrent types of riding have distinct and evident diffrences. The type of bike you like may be compeletly diffrent than the one I like. However by doing some reasearch a person can find the right machine for them dependent upon what style, terrain, and distance a person will be riding. I have had the opertunity to ride several diffrent bikes so I'll be posting my own personal review of the bikes I've ridden.



Tips for spring time riding:

  1. Check your machine
  2. Check your equipment
  3. Change your brake fluid
  4. Adjust tire preasure
  5. Practice in a parking lot
  6. Check your attitude and behavior. Rriding is fun and should be done safely