What is a Sunflowers...

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an annual plant native to the Americas. It possesses a large inflorescence (flowering head). The sunflower got its name from its huge, fiery blooms, whose shape and image is often used to depict the sun. The sunflower has a rough, hairy stem, broad, coarsely toothed, rough leaves and circular heads of flowers. The heads consist of 1,000-2,000 individual flowers joined together by a receptacle base.

Different species

'American Giant Hybrid'
'Autumn Beauty' (Autumnal colors)
'Aztec Sun'
'Black Oil'
'Dwarf Sunspot'
'Evening Sun'
'Giant Primrose'
'Indian Blanket Hybrid'
'Irish Eyes'
'Italian White'
'Kong Hybrid'
'Large Grey Stripe'
'Lemon Queen' (Pale lemon)
'Mammoth Russian'
'Mongolian Giant'
'Orange Sun'
'Peach Passion'
'Red Sun'
'Ring of Fire'
'Strawberry Blonde'
'Sunny Hybrid'
'Taiyo' (Orange-yellow, chocolate center)
'Teddy Bear'
'Velvet Queen' (red to dark claret, chocolate center)
'Yellow Empress'