The Su-35 single-seat multifunctional superagile fighter is Intended to gain air superiority and to Implement tasks of combat application on aerial and ground targets during autonomous operation and group actions, round-the-clock under simple and adverse weather conditions.
Application of the thrust vector control integrated into aircraft control system provides decrease of the minimum flight speed and piloting at low speeds (down to near-to-zero ones) without any angle of attack limitation (superagility mode).
The Su-35 fighter`s peculiar features are as follows:
- high performance;
- unsurpassed agility;
- multichannel application of weapons on aerial and ground targets;
- high level of protection against jamming;
- ground targets` attack without entry of enemy air defence zone;
- low level flight, fly-over and fly-by of obstacles;
- automated group actions on ground and aerial targets;
- couteraction against adversary EW and optronic systems;
- automation of all flight and combat employment stages.