Exciting culture in Latin America

  • Mexico ,which area is 1.972.550 km2, in located in Middle America, bordering the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, between Beliz and the U.S. and borderng the North Pacific Ocean, between Guatemala and the United States. Sharing and exchange of trade are now increasing ceaselessly between the U.S. and Mexico since NAFTA.

  • Capital : Mexico city (D.F.) - founded in 1525.

  • Famous artists : Diego Rivera and his wife Frida Kahlo were well-known Mexican artists.Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Each had a distinctive style. Their works conveyed their view of the world and themselves. They were interested in a wide range of social conditions for indigenous people in Mexico. Nowdays, it is possible that visitos feel their works in Art museum in Mexico city.

  • History : The Aztec Empire dominated Mexico from XIV century till XVI century. Lot of canals, bridges and pyramids with religious temples were very significant. The Aztec Empire terminated when the conqueror invaded in 1519. However, the culture of Aztec is alive by this century. The Mexico city is situated in Aztec's capital of Tenochtitlan and plentiful tourists visit its ruins. Further more, go here.

  • The basic food of Mexico is a delicious tortilla, which is made of corns and flour. Tacos, enchiladas and quesadillas are so popular in Mexico like the U.S.