Find out how you should plant different types of flowers in your garden depending on your zone.

Sun:                                    Shade:

1.'Moonbeam' Coreopsis                        1. Astible
2. Liatris                                             2. Hosta
3. Sedum 'Autumn Joy'                          3. Bergenia                            4. Ornamental grasses                          4. Solomons Seal
5. Blue Baptisia                                   5. Autumn Fern













Tips:Choosing the Right Perennials

1.Before selecting your perennials, consider which species work best in your environment.

2.To ensure your perennials flourish for many years, plant them properly in well-drained, well-prepared soil. The following tips will help ensure your success.

3. Avoid spots that are overly wet, especially in the winter.

4.Planting your perennials too deep will cause the plant to rot, so it is important to plant at the proper depth.

5.Protecting Perennials Against Insects:


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