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345 N. Monmouth Ave.
Monmouth, OR 97361
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International Students and Scholars


西俄勒冈大学(简称WOU)创建于1856年,她是俄勒冈州第一所最古老的公立大学。西俄勒冈大学目前为5000多名在校学生提供了包括多个专业培训项目的40多个本科课程 以及10个研究生课程。超过15个不同国家,大约120个全日制学位专业课程和ESL课程 的留学生在校学习。


WOU welcomes international students and scholars, and richness in diversity that they bring to our campus. We have students from all parts of the world, from Africa, Asia, Europe, South and North America. International students enjoy studying here because they feel comfortable with the friendly hometown atmosphere, the ease of getting involved in campus life, the welcome feeling from the local community, and the closeness of nearby attractions.西俄勒冈大学非常欢迎留学生和访问学者,因为他们的到来为我们的校园带来了丰富的多样性。我们的学生来自世界各地——非洲、亚洲、欧洲、南北美洲。留学生们喜欢在这里学习,因为友好的家乡气氛,容易融入的校园生活,当地,以及学校附近的风景胜地都令他们觉得非常惬意。


我们的校园坐落在一个只有8000多居民的恬静和安全的小镇Monmouth, Oregon,距俄勒冈的首府Salem 只有16英里。从Monmouth驱车一个小时即可抵达美丽的 Oregon coast,惊险的CascadeMountains,沸腾的城市生活 Portland

International Office
Mission Statement


国际办公室的任务将促进全球化的观念和在校园上内在化的理解和不同, 在 WOU 增加国际的学生登记, 支援并且提高国际的学生和学者的学院、文化、和社会交互作用和经验, 为关心和物质属于国际的学生和学者提供数据、协助和请教, 对 s

The International Students and Scholars Affairs Office is the headquarters for all campus international student and scholar activities. We invite you to visit our campus and our office to meet with our sff and our current international students, or to browse our Web site and find many answers of frequently asked questions.留学生及访问学者事务办公室是学校处理所有留学生及访问学者有关事务的总部。我们邀请您参观我们的校园及办公室,熟悉一下我们的教职工和在校留学生,或者浏览我们的网站、轻松地找到您所关注问题的答案。

国际部办公室- 办公室预览


如果您有任何问题,都请与我们的办公室联系 (见下文).



  International Students and Scholars Affairs Western Oregon University
345 N. Monmouth Ave.
Monmouth, OR 97361
ph:503-838-8425 fax:503-838-8338
or e-mail
Last Updated: Wednesday, 15 November, 2006 11:04 AM


Western Oregon University: leading by degrees while steadily emerging as a leading comprehensive public liberal arts institution