Department of Mathematics

Western Oregon University

Monmouth, OR  97361

(503) 838-8443






Ph.D., University of Utah, 1979

B.S., Utah State University, 1974




Western Oregon University, Professor, 1999-present

Binghamton University, Visiting Professor, 2004-2005

Western Oregon University, Associate Professor, 1997-1999

Bucknell University, Professor, 1997-1999

Eastern Kentucky University, Exchange Associate Professor, 1990

Bucknell University, Associate Professor, 1985 - 1997

Bucknell University, Assistant Professor, 1981 - 1985

Bucknell University, Visiting Assistant Professor, 1979 - 1981

University of Utah, Teaching Fellow, 1974 - 1979


Research Interests


Finite Group Theory


Refereed Publications in Group Theory

            On Minimal Non-p-closed Groups and Related Properties, with Luise-Charlotte Kappe, Marcin Mazur, and Gabriella Mendoza, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 78 (2011), 219-233.


            Cosets and Cayley-Sudoku Tables, with Jennifer Carmichael and Keith Schloeman, Mathematics Magazine 83 (2010), 130-139.


            On a Conjecture of Alvis, with Michael J. J. Barry, Journal of Algebra 294 (2005), 136-155.


            On Self-normality and Abnormality in the Alternating Groups, with Ben Brewster and Qinhai H. Zhang ,  Archiv der Mathematik 83 (2004), 385-393.


            Finite groups with exactly two conjugacy classes of the same order, with Christopher M. Boner, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 31(2001), 401-416.


            Two-Transitive Actions on Conjugacy Classes, with Michael J. J. Barry, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 59 (1999), 409-420.


            Simple groups contain minimal simple groups, with Michael J. J. Barry, Publicacions Matemàtiques 41 (1997), 411-415.


            Sylow Fractals, with Ben Brewster, Mathematics Magazine 68 (1995), 372-376.


            Finite groups acting 2-transitively on Sylow subgroups, with Ben Brewster, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 52 (1995), 117-136.


            Products of Sylow Groups, with Michael J. J. Barry, Archiv der Mathematik 63 (1994), 289-290.


            Finite groups having chain difference one, with B. Brewster and I. Zimmermann, Journal of Algebra 160 (1993), 179-191.


            Finite solvable groups acting 2-transitively on Sylow subgroups, with Ben Brewster, Group Theory--Proceedings of the Biennial Ohio State-Denison Conference, 1993, World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 322-325.


            Finite groups in which no two distinct conjugacy classes have the same order, Archiv der Mathematik 54 (1990), 111-116.


            On the solvability of finite groups, with Z. Arad, Archiv der Mathematik 42 (1984), 489-491.


            Transfer and normal Fitting classes, with J. Beidleman, Archiv der Mathematik 42(1984), 200-207.


            New criteria for the solvability of finite groups, with Z. Arad, Journal of Algebra 77(1982), 234-246.


            Products of supersolvable and nilpotent finite groups, with D. Finkel, Archiv der Mathematik 36 (1981), 385-393.



Refereed Publications in Mathematics Education


            The Role of Mathematical Definitions in Mathematics and Mathematics Education, with Barbara S. Edwards, in Making the Connection, M. Carlson and C. Rassmussen, Eds., Mathematical Association of America, 2008.


            New Practices in Teaching Mathematical Definition, with Barbara S. Edwards, in Preparing Future Science and Mathematics Techers: Faculty Write About CETP Innovations on CampusesToday, Diane Smith and Elizabeth Swanson, Eds., STEP Project, Science Math Resource Center, Montana State University. 


            Surprises from Mathematics Education Studies:  Student (Mis)use of Mathematical Definitions, with Barbara S. Edwards, The American Mathematical Monthly, 111 (2004), 411-424.



Erdos Number            3


Invited Talks


            Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference, 1999, 2005, 2014

            Joint Mathematics Meetings (contributed papers), 2003, 2009, 2010, 2013

            Mathematical Association of America Section Meeting, 2004, 2011, 2013

Willamette University Colloquium, 2010

            Binghamton University Algebra Seminar, 2004

            American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America Regional Meeting, 2002

            Ohio State-Denison Math Conference, 1981, 1984, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2010, 2014

            Eastern Kentucky University Colloquium, 1990

            Regional Group Theory Conference, Bowling Green State University, 1989

            University of Oregon Colloquium, 1986

            Regional Group Theory Conference, University of Pittsburgh, 1983

            SUNY-Binghamton Colloquium, 1983

            University of Kentucky Colloquium, 1982

            Organizer, Regional Group Theory Conference, Bucknell University, 1991