healing power

Week ten: Nov, 29-Dec. 5, 2012 • "Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.” ~Leonardo da Vinci




Week nine: Nov. 22-28, 2012 • Education is in the heart of the listener, not in the voice of the teacher.”
~Unnamed student from New American Schoolhouse video

historically speaking

Week eight: Nov.15-21, 2012 • "How often are we assigned reading, or do we assign reading, for the sake of reading the information without entering into the minds (or wondering with) the writers of the text.” ~Dana Ulveland, Unit 8


a broken system S

Week seven, Nov. 8-14, 2012 • "The young people who drop out of the inner-city schools are doing the right thing, because there’s nothing there for them to learn, and the curriculum that is mandated by the state is ridiculous and trivial in terms of what a young person can do." ~Leon Botstein, president, Bard College


we are who we think we are, aren't we?

Week six, Nov. 1-7, 2012"Where is wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” ~T.S. Eliot


high tech saturation

Week five: Oct. 25-31, 2012 • "Every little flower of curiosity is crushed by society itself."~Albert Einstein

pushing boundaries

Week four: Oct -18-24, 2012 • "Loving something drives achievement in all kinds of extraordinary ways and in all sorts of unexpected directions."~Sir Ken Robinson



Week three: Oct. 11-17, 2012 • "The main thing we learn when we struggle to learn is that learning is a struggle."~Frank Smith


status quo

Week two: Oct. 4-10, 2012 • "Socrates challenged the status quo and ended up being sentenced to death." ~Dana Ulveland, Unit 2


first thoughts

Week one: Sept. 27-Oct.3, 2012 • "Success or failure in education can affect our image of ourselves for life. Those who don't show academic ability in school are often branded as less able."~Sir Ken Robinson



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