bachelor of science: (B.S., B.Sc. or BSc; less commonly, S.B. or Sc.B. from the Latin ScientiƦ Baccalaureus) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded for completed courses that generally last three to five years. In the United States, a Bachelor of Science degree may be a more specialized version of B.A., with more focus on the subject and less on a broad liberal arts background; for example, a B.S. in economics may require several more advanced economics courses than a B.A. in economics and possibly more support courses (such as statistics), while requiring fewer lower-level liberal arts classes that do not directly relate the major in question.

The B.S. is also frequently used for professional areas of study such as engineering, journalism, accounting, and advertising.In the US a B.S. and B.A. may distinguish between more focus on study within the sciences rather than the arts, respectively. For example, a general curriculum might be common among the two degrees, while those pursuing the B.S. might have to study further material in the sciences, and those pursuing a B.A. the arts. (Wikipedia, Dec. 2009)