[Western Oregon University]

Dr. Stephen Taylor

Professor of Geology

B.S. Slippery Rock University; M.S. Washington State University; Ph.D. West Virginia University

Taylor Summer 2024 Schedule

WOU Earth Science Program Information

Course Web Sites

  • ES104 Earth Science - Exploring Earth and Environmental Science
  • ES104 Laboratory (Exploring Physical Earth)
  • ES106 Earth Science - Exploring the Oceans and Atmosphere
  • ES106 Laboratory (Exploring Oceans and Atmosphere)
  • ES202 Physical Geology (Sedimentary Systems and Earth Surface Processes)
  • ES302 Quantitative Methods in Earth Science
  • ES322 Geomorphology and Aerial Photo Interpretation
  • ES331 Introduction to Oceanography
  • ES341 Geographic Informations Systems I
  • ES342 Geographic Informations Systems II
  • ES406 Geographic Information Systems Online Training Modules
  • ES406 Introduction to Geo Health
  • ES406 Structural Geology Lab
  • ES420 Medical Geology
  • ES458/558 River Environments of Oregon
  • ES470/570 Regional Landscapes of Oregon
  • ES473/573 Environmental Geology
  • ES476/576 Hydrology
  • ES486 Petroleum Geology
  • ES492/592 GIS Applications in Earth Science
  • ES497 Senior Seminar
  • FYS207 WOU Earth Corps
  • Geog 522 Advanced Topics: Alluvial Fans (UO)
  • NS481/581 NSSI Week 1 - Geomorphology Module
  • Environmental Sciences Institute Home Page
  • ERTH 350 Environmental Geology (WU)
  • Ecosystem Informatics Summer Institute - Deschutes River Module Homepage
  • Xuchang University Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

  • Link to Oregon State University Water Resources Graduate Program

    Link to Oregon State Board of Geologist Examiners

  • OSU WRGP Professional Ethics Seminar Presentation (Oct. 7, 2009)

  • Careers in Earth Science (Youtube ~9 min)
  • Careers in Geospatial Technology (Youtube ~6 min)

  • Links to Research and Scholarly Collaborations

    Camp Adair GIS Project Page

    Monmouth-Independence Hydrogeology Study

    WOU Lidar Resource Page

    Fingerprint Analysis and Characterization Project (FACT) at WOU

    Nehalem Watershed Project at WOU

    Luckiamute Watershed Project at WOU

    Manuscript In Review: Watershed Assessment, River Restoration, and the Geoscience Profession in Oregon

    Newberry Volcano Research Project at WOU

    HJ Andrews Experimental Forest - Sediment Transport Research

    Espinaso Formation - Cerillos, NM Project

    Appalachian Geomorphology Research at WOU

    Link to Applalachian Dissertation Research at West Virginia University

    Current Research References and Literature Citations

    John Day River Field Trip - Spring Break 2007

    Summer 2007 Whitewater Institute - Using the River to Transcend Educational Paradigms

  • Link to the Learning Organization

  • Research Interests

    • Geomorphology and Surficial Processes
    • Surficial Mapping, GIS Applications
    • Nonglacial Surficial Geology, Hillslope / Fluvial Processes, Debris Flow
    • Watershed Analysis
    • Appalachian Geomorphology, Humid-Mountainous Landscapes

    Applied Interests and Experience

    • Contaminant Characterization at Industrial Processing Facilities
    • Hydrogeology / Aquifer Characterization
    • Acid-Mine Drainage Abatement
    • Landfill Design, Wastewater Treatment
    • Mine Permitting and Environmental Control
    • Water Resource Investigations

    Related Links

    Secure Link Area (Password Protected)

    Mailing Address:

    Stephen B. Taylor, R.G., Ph.D., Professor of Geology
    Geomorphology-Environmental Geology-Geographic Information Systems
    Earth and Physical Science Department
    Western Oregon University
    345 N. Monmouth Ave.
    Monmouth, Oregon 97361

    Office: Natural Science Building, NS 210
    Phone:  503-838-8398 (Office)
    Fax:  503-838-8072 (Office)
    E-mail: taylors@wou.edu

    Western Oregon University

    Copyright © 2016 Western Oregon University

    Direct suggestions, comments, and questions about this page to Steve Taylor, taylors@wou.edu.
    Last Modified 04/03/12