The Arctic

Where are the arctic habitats located?

What types of animals live in the Arctic?

Characteristics of the Arctic

The arctic is located in the North Pole region of the world.

Arctic location

- Animals that live in the arctic are equpped with characteristics that allow them to survive in the freezing temperatures, and to find food in such a vast and empty area.

- POlar Bear Polar Bears Caribou

Arctoc Fox Arctic Fox Snowy Owl Snowy Owl

Arctic HAre Arctic Hare

- The Arctic consists of the parts of Russia, Canada, the United States (Alaska), Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, and Norway.

- This region is characterized by freezing winters, and cool summers. The average winter temperature is -40 degrees Fahrenheit. The precipation level is low and the strong winds stirs up snow which gives it the illusion of constant snowfall.

- This region consists of ice covered ocean and treeless permafrost on land.

The Arctic


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