Continue to do research appropriate to your topic. Time is passing by rapidly and you need to progress at a steady pace in understanding your topic and the problems you're choosing.
Write more in your outline. Now might be a good time to focus on the Background section. This is where you "set the stage" for the reader. Explain what came before and what leads to your current questions. What has led to the current situation? Cite high quality references to show how others have written about your topic. Some call this a "Literature Review". Your work is not in isolation -- you're building on top of work that others have done. Present and recognize this. Use proper citations and start building a References section at the end of your outline/paper. I prefer Chicago numerical style, but there are other acceptable formats. Here is a comparison of popular styles: Source Citation Style Comparison (.pdf). The library also has a collection of style & citation manuals.
The subjects of some of these are completely unrelated, but here are a few papers to review for style and general organization.