"Beleive in you! Not the 'you' who believes in me. Not the 'me' who believes in you. Believe in you who believes in yourself!" - Kamina
(date) |
(section covered in class | assignment) |
1/6 |
Welcome to math 112! | went over syllabus and online stuff - get signed up for online portion here. |
1/8 |
section 6.1 | homework: p. 462 #3-9, 14-20 (even), 21-27(odd), 31, 32, 35-40, 46-49, 53, 54, 63-66, 79, 82, 89, 92-94 (due 1/13) |
1/9 |
section 6.1 (day II) | homework: finish page 462 assignment (due 1/13) |
1/10 |
section 6.2 | homework: page 475 #7-22, 26, 27, 38-50(even), 55-63, 65-67, 70-73, 82 (due 1/15) |
1/13 |
section 6.2 (day II) | homework: finish page 475 assignment (due 1/15) |
1/15 |
section 6.3 + 6.2 quiz | homework: fill out unit circle + page 494 #13-28, 67-82 (just find sine and cosine of each)(due 1/17) | problem of the week #1 |
1/16 |
section 6.3 (day II) | homework: finish page 494 assignment (due 1/17) | dude explaining tuning forks | calculate your biorythms |
1/17 |
section 6.4 + 6.3 quiz | homework: online (due 1/23) |
1/22 |
section 6.4 (day II) | homework: finish online assigment (due 1/23) | problem of the week #2 |
1/23 |
section 6.5 + 6.4 quiz | homewework: finish in class worksheet(due 1/24) |
1/24 |
section 6.5 (day II) | homework: p. 524 #13-28, 34, 37-40, 46, 47, 71-74, 76-78 (due 1/27) | harmonic motion in action! |
1/27 |
section 6.6 + 6.5 quiz | homewework: page 540 #7-18, 22-28, 35-38, 40-42, 45-50, 83, 88, 89 (due 1/30) |
1/29 |
section 6.6 (day II) | homework: finish p. 540 assingment | problem of the week #3 |
1/30 |
review for EXAM I | homewework: study for the exam! | list of topics covered | in-class review |
1/31 |
2/3 |
section 7.1 | homework: online (due 2/7) |
2/5 |
section 7.1 (day II) | homework: finish online assigment |
2/6 |
2/7 |
2/10 |
2/12 |
section 7.2 | homework: page 571 #35-50 (due 2/13) | exam I results |
2/13 |
section 7.3 (day I) | homework: p. 583 # 2-12, 13-17, 37-45, 55-64, 107-111 (du 2/17) |
2/14 |
section 7.3 (day II) | homework: finish page 583 |
2/17 |
section 7.4 (day I) | homework: p.595, # {12, 14, 16 part b only}, 29-34, 38-42, 45-46 (due 2/20) |
2/19 |
section 7.4 (day II) | homework: finish page 595 |
2/20 |
section 7.5 (day I) | homework: p.609, #19, 20, 23-27, 49-51, 66, 67, 70-73, 75-77, 83, 97-105 (due 2/24) |
2/21 |
section 7.5 (day II) | finish p.609 assignment from yesterday |
2/24 |
section 8.1 (day I) + identities quiz | homework: online (due 2/27) |
2/26 |
homework: finish online assignment from Monday (due 2/27) |
2/27 |
Exam II tomorrow!!! | in class review | in class review answer key ...somehow I lost page 5 of my answer key |
2/28 |
3/3 |
section 8.2 (Day I) | homework: online (due 3/6) |
3/5 |
section 8.2 (day II) | finish online assignment (due 3/6) | Problem of the week makes its return!!!! |
3/6 |
section 8.3 (Day I) | homework: online (due 3/10) |
3/7 |
section 8.3 (day II) | finish online assignment (due 3/10) | exam II distribution |
3/10 |
section 8.4 (Day I) | homework: p. 667 #1-7(odd), 10-16, 43-48, 61, 62, 71, 73, 75-78 (due 3/13) |
3/12 |
section 8.4 (day II) | finish p. 667 |
3/13 |
section 8.5 (as much as we can) | homework: p. 679 #1-25(odd) (due 3/14) | problem of the week #9 |
3/14 |
HAPPY PI DAY - or for some nonbelievers, HAPPY TAU/2 DAY | for final review, check out the final exam list of topics and the online review |