Stanley Park


"A city that has been carved out of the forest should maintain somewhere within

its boundaries evidence of what it once was, and so long as Stanley Park remains

unspoiled that testimony to the giant trees which occupied the site of Vancouver

in former days will remain"
The News Herald - October 30, 1939



Stanley Park

This is my favorite park, when got to this park for the first time I felt for the first time in my life that I’m I the haven. This park I like to call it as peaceful jungle, because it has huge and so high trees. Beside of the trees you can see a multiple different types of flowers. In the other hand you can different birds and huge aquarium which is the best aquarium I have ever seen.           



Overview Map



Photo's of Stanley Park


The Cocker Clock viewed from the direction of the Italian Gardens on a winters day.


Stanley Park lake. Boating and water / sea birds.


Grass seeds and daffodils have been planted


Pink rose


By the ocean

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