Proposal for Analyzing Water for Copper Content

In this assignment you will conduct a literature search for methods of measuring the copper content of aqueous solutions, select a method appropriate for the equipment available in the Western Oregon University Department of Chemistry and write a proposal requesting approval of your chosen method. Members of the copper analysis team and the instructor will review the proposals and select one or more of the methods for use in the laboratory. We are solving a problem posed by a real client, Ms. Becky Woodruff of Calera, Oklahoma using authentic residential water samples.


Our client has blue green residues (similar to those seen on the tiles in the left side of the photo) on shower and sink surfaces which may be due to the deposition of insoluble copper salts from the water.  Transition element ions are colored because of their d-orbital electon configurations, and since many copper salts are blue or blue-green in color, it is believed that the stains on the household surfaces were caused by precipitation of copper compounds from the water. The stains are not removed by normal household cleaning agents, and when the client tried to remove the stains using hydrogen peroxide, the blue-green stains turned to a red-bown color. Read the letter written by Ms. Woodruff for the details of her analysis request.

Below is a Pourbaix diagram for copper that you might find useful in your studies. Pourbaix diagrams show the form an element takes in water under different oxidizing/reducing and pH conditions. Learn more about Pourbaix Diagrams here.



Diagram taken from:








You are going to conduct a literature search to find methods for analyzing copper content in aqueous solution. An internet search is not sufficient for this assignment. You will need to search for journal articles and/or established protocols for conducting aqueous copper analysis. You should use periodical databases and/or the on-line Chemical Abstracts for this literature search.


After doing your literature search, you will choose a method that you think is appropriate for analyzing the amount of copper present in the water samples that have been provided by the client . The proposal is to be typed, saved using Microsoft Word .doc format, and submitted in both hard copy and electronic form.

The introduction to your proposal should include information about the forms in which copper exists in aqueous solution, how copper gets into residential water, and permissible safe levels of copper. You will need to have sections that provide a literature review of copper analysis methods, details of the analysis that you are proposing for use, how long the analysis should take, and a listing of materials and instrumentation needed (if you have chosen an instrumental procedure.) You need to include footnotes for all sources following the style outlined in The ACS Style Guide which can be found in the Hamersly Library or borrowed from the instructor if you do not have a copy.

Click here to access information on how to write a proposal.

A copy of the proposal coversheet can be obtained here.

You can print copies of the scoring rubric for this proposal assignment here.