There has been some disagreement about who deserves credit for being the "father"
of the periodic table, the German Lothar Meyer (pictured here)
or the Russian Dmitri Mendeleev. Both chemists produced remarkably similar results
at the same time working independently of one another. Meyer's 1864 textbook
included a rather abbreviated version of a periodic table used to classify the
elements. This consisted of about half of the known elements listed in order
of their atomic weight and demonstrated periodic valence chages as a function
of atomic weight. In 1868, Meyer constructed an extended table
which he gave to a colleague for evaluation. Unfortunately for Meyer, Mendeleev's
table became available to the scientific community via publication (1869) before
Meyer's appeared (1870).
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907), the youngest of 17 children was born
in the Siberian town of Tobol'sk where his father was a teacher of Russian literature
and philosophy (portrait by Ilyia Repin). Mendeleev was not considered an
outstanding student in his early education partly due to his dislike of the
classical languages that were an important educational requirement at the time
even though he showed prowess in mathematics and science. After his father's
death, he and his mother moved to St. Petersburg to pursue a university education.
After being denied admission to both the University of Moscow and St. Petersburg
University because of his provincial background and unexceptional academic background,
he finally earned a place at the Main Pedagogical Institute (St. Petersburg
Institute). Upon graduation, Mendeleev took a position teaching science in a
gymnasium. After a time as a teacher, he was admitted to graduate work at St.
Petersburg University where he earned a Master's degree in 1856. Mendeleev so
impressed his instructors that he was retained to lecture in chemistry. After
spending 1859 and 1860 in Germany furthering his chemical studies, he secured
a position as professor of chemistry at St. Petersburg University, a position
he retained until 1890. While writing a textbook on systematic inorganic chemistry,
Principles of Chemistry, which appeared in thirteen editions the last
being in 1947, Mendeleev organized his material in terms of the families of
the known elements which displayed similar properties. The first part of the
text was devoted to the well known chemistry of the halogens. Next, he chose
to cover the chemistry of the metallic elements in order of combining power
-- alkali metals first (combining power of one), alkaline earths (two), etc.
However, it was difficult to classify metals such as copper and mercury which
had multiple combining powers, sometimes one and other times two. While tryuing
to sort out this dilema, Mendeleev noticed patterns in the properties and atomic
weights of halogens, alkali metals and alkaline metals. He observed similarities
between the series Cl-K-Ca , Br-/Rb-Sr and I-Cs-Ba. In an effort to extend this
pattern to other elements, he created a card for each of the 63 known elements.
Each card contained the element's symbol, atomic weight and its characteristic
chemical and physical properties. When Mendeleev arranged the cards on a table
in order of ascending atomic weight grouping elements of similar properties
together in a manner not unlike the card arrangement in his favorite solitare
card game, patience, the periodic table was formed. From this table, Mendeleev
developed his statement of the periodic law and published his work On
the Relationship of the Properties of the Elements to their Atomic Weights
in 1869. The advantage of Mendeleev's table over previous attempts was
that it exhibited similarities not only in small units such as the triads, but
showed similarities in an entire network of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal
relationships. In 1906, Mendeleev came within one vote of being awarded the
Nobel Prize for his work.
At the time that Mendeleev developed his periodic table since the experimentally
determined atomic masses were not always accurate, he reordered elements despite
their accepted masses. For example, he changed the weight of beryllium from
14 to 9. This placed beryllium into Group 2 above magnesium whose properties
it more closely resembled than where it had been located above nitrogen. In
all Mendeleev found that 17 elements had to be moved to new positions from those
indicated strictly by atomic weight for their properties to correlate with other
elements. These changes indicated that there were errors in the accepted atomic
weights of some elements (atomic weights were calculated from combining weights,
the weight of an element that combines with a given weight of a standard.) However,
even after corrections were made by redetermining atomic weights, some elements
still needed to be placed out of order of their atomic weights. From the gaps
present in his table, Mendeleev predicted the existence and properties of unknown
elements which he called eka-aluminum, eka-boron, and eka-silicon. The elements
gallium, scandium and germanium were found later to fit his predictions quite
well. In addition to the fact that Mendeleev's table was published before Meyers',
his work was more extensive predicting new or missing elements. In all Mendeleev
predicted the existence of 10 new elements, of which seven were eventually discovered
-- the other three, atomic weights 45, 146 and 175 do not exist. He also was
incorrect in suggesting that the element pairs of argon-potassium, cobalt-nickel
and tellurium-iodine should be interchanged in position due to inaccurate atomic
weights. Although these elements did need to be interchanged, it was because
of a flaw in the reasoning that periodicity is a function of atomic weight.