
Revising....Take out your eraser and get ready to make some changes! Not sure what changes to make? Think about it like this:

Revising is . . .
  • making decisions about how you want to improve your writing
  • looking at your writing from a different point of view
  • picking places where your writing could be clearer, more
    interesting, more informative and more convincing.

Techniques you could try:

A.R.R.R. -  This method allows you to make four types of changes.
Adding What else does the reader need to know?
Rearranging Is the information in the most logical and most effective order?
Removing What extra details or unnecessary bits of information are in this piece
of writing?
Replacing What words or details could be replaced by clearer or stronger expressions?

A.R.M.S. - Add, Remove, Move Around, Substitute

Still looking for more help? Check out these Revising tips


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