Faculty Page: Stewart C Baker
Contact Information
Stewart C Baker
Western Oregon University
Hamersly Library
Room 208A
Job Duties
I am the library's liaison for the following campus departments: Computer Science; Business & Economics
As Systems / Institutional Respository Librarian, some of my other job duties include:
- Serve as systems administrator for ALMA ILS & Primo discovery layer
- Maintain and assist in development of Digital Commons, WOU's Institutional Repository
- Design, implement, and maintain library-specific digital applications
- Provide reference services to patrons in person, online, and via telephone
- Teach library instruction classes to groups of students
Scholarship & Related Activity
I am interested in web design theory, emerging technologies, and how libraries are changing to adapt to the changing information landscape. In particular, I am researching web accessibility as it pertains to libraries. Outside the world of library and information science, my areas of interest lie mostly with literature and literary theory in one form or another.
Selected Presentations
- "Making it Work for Everyone: HTML5 and CSS3 for Responsive, Accessible Design on your Library’s Website."
April 2014, 16th Distance Library Services Conference - "Making Textbooks Affordable: A Successful Initiative at a University Library." (with Naomi Moy and Wei Ma)
June 2012, American Library Association Annual Conference - "When is a Library? Technological Change and the Obsolescence of Place in Information-Seeking Behavior."
January 2012, International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society
- "Library as a Verb: Technological Change and the Obsolescence of Place in Research."
Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline 17 (2014): p95-101. (http://bit.ly/QB9BfV) - "Making it Work for Everyone: HTML5 and CSS3 for Responsive, Accessible Design on your Library’s Website."
Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning 8:3-4 (2014): 118-136. - "Make Library Instruction Zoom: Prezi as Presentation Tool."
ACRL University Libraries Section Blog, March 5, 2013.
Other Presentations
- "Do All Roads Lead to Basho? Differing Interpretations of the Master in English."
August 2013, Haiku North America Conference; September 2013, Southern California Haiku Study Group - "A Citizen of the World: the Dangers of Naive Globalization in Neal Stephenson's Anathem."
2011, Eaton Science Fiction Conference
Other Publications
- "Fishing for Bashos: Interpretive Communities and Haiku in English"
Modern Haiku 46:1 (2015:)25-36. - "Is Feminism Still Alive? Gender and Gender Roles in 'The Walking Dead'"
In Media Res, October 11, 2013 - In Her (Text) He Throng: Authority, Genre, and the Construction of Feminine Stereotypes in "The Merchant's Tale" Master's Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, December 2012.
Creative Writing
I am a published haikuist (or haiku poet), and also write speculative fiction (i.e. science fiction, fantasy, etc.). My haiku and fiction have been published in numerous magazines, including Heron's Nest, Modern Haiku, Flash Fiction Online, Nature, and Galaxy's Edge. A few examples of my haiku are below.
spring cleaning. . .
dad throws out
his back
(Acorn, #30)
edged with wildflowers their latest fight for custody
(A Hundred Gourds, #2.3)
You can see a full list of my creative writing here.