Breton Horses



The Breton horse originated in France. It is used for heavy draft and farm work. They stand about 15 to 16 h.h. (hands). It has been said that the breed dates back four thousand years or more to the time it was brought into Europe by Aryans migrating from Asia.

There are three types of Breton horses. The small Breton draft horse, Center Mountain, it has the same general features as the Breton draft horse but is smaller with a more dished face. The Center Mountain is considered the real descendant of the ancient Breton horse. This horse is easy to keep and is gaining popularity being very hardy and enduring. The Breton draft horse is heavier with more bulk. It is a strong, muscular compact horse. The Postier breton having remarkably airy and easy gaits, is very close to the draft horse and is of the same size. This is a more beautiful, destinguished type.

The Breton is such a strong breed it is used for farming and is the most numerous of the draft horses in France. It is a very popular hourse due to its power, hardiness, and energy.

For additional information on Breton Horses go to this websites:

Breton Horses


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